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1726 Altamont Ave Suite B, Richmond, VA 23230 Text: 920-325-3118

You all build buildings. Let us build the model.

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Until recently traditional model making has been extremely costly, time consuming and often lacking in the finer details of the design. As a result, models have only been built when the client is willing to pay for the service and typically at the end of the design process and/or for major projects.

That has changed. At 3D Central we can now print a detailed model of your design at a fraction of the cost and in a quarter of the time.  3D modeling can now help you:

  • Differentiate yourself from your competition.
  • Present a comprehensive pitch for a major new project.
  • Focus on a section of the design in fine detail, or the whole project with landscaping.
  • Review the project earlier in the process to avoid costly changes down the road.

At 3D Central we can either print your file for you, using one of our FDM printers or, you could purchase a machine and, with our help, start printing your own models. We run regular training sessions at our store in Richmond, and can provide specialized, one-on-one training on request.

Contact us to discuss your needs, or send us a file to quote.

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